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5 Must-Read Books That Will Boost Your Career

According to the perception of the express employment professionals, the best way to build your personal career is through reading expansively. Read good books that will help inspire you and develop your career. Here are five books that you should do your best to read in the near future that will tremendously boost your career and help you enjoy your current job or help to find a job or switch careers.


1.     “Designing Your Life” by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans

Designing Your Life

“Designing Your Life”  is widely acknowledged among the lovers of personal development books for the working population. The book was authored by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans, professors in charge of design programs at Stanford University. The book focuses on the way to build a properly lived and joyful life. It is mainly based on the wildly popular approach on the manner in which design principles are leveraged to develop a more satisfying career and life. Burnett and Evans’s program is dedicated to helping undergrads. However, the course and the book, in general, is similarly of much greater usefulness to people of all ages. ‘Design Your Life’ is among the top reads that are featured in Forbes.


The book is built on the principle that you cannot simply think your ways ahead, but you should also build these ways as you approach your destiny. The book also explains how to carry out life design interviews as one of the quickest means to test your ideas. The book skillfully explains the five-step life-design approach to boost your career. The approach includes being curious, trying things, reframing your problems, understanding it is a process and asking for help. Finally, the authors demonstrate how to put all the design process phases into action.


2.     “Pivot: The Only Move That Matters is Your Next One” by Jenny Blake

Pivot The Only Move That Matters

The Pivot is among the top career development books for any worker who wishes to excel in 2017. The book was written by Jenny Blake who is both a career coach and former Google employee in charge of development management. It is a great book to read especially if you don’t intend to change your career, but you just wish to improve and do something new at your workplace, boost your career and perhaps get a raise or promotion. The Pivot Method explained in the book entails a four-stage process that is meant to enable a career person craft a personal vision, understand their strengths and establish ways to close the gap between the current state of affairs and the grand goal.

The most intriguing thing about Blake’s book is that it just doesn’t offer a theory but include a number of practical exercises, strategies, and worksheets that are culled from her coaching classes. Blake’s work includes a range of personal development books for women who wish to start mastermind groups. She offers brainstorming options, support and ways to monitor personal accountability when taking new career directions.


3.     “Reinvention Roadmap” by Liz Ryan

reinvention roadmap

The book is authored by Liz Ryan; the CEO of Human Workplace, a firm that specializes in career advisory. The book focuses on the rules to getting the job you wish as well as the career you deserve. “Reinvention Roadmap”  is among the most widely read coaching books on LinkedIn and Forbes.com within the past 24months. The book is an outstanding guide for any individual intending to break free from a career rut or even those wishing to change jobs.  

The book clearly highlights what needs to do to get noticed and win a job or promotion. Ryan is one of the best career coaches who advise on how to get passed the black hole job application system.  She says that the personal power in the hiring equation is the potential to pinpoint and resolve the Business Pain in the firm.


4.     Born for This” by Chris Guillebeau

Born for This

“Born for This”  was written by Chris Guillebeau, a popular bestselling author. The book focuses on the ways to find the perfect work you were destined to do. It is a captivating action-oriented book that will answer your most dominant and disturbing question: “What follows?” It is among the best books to open your mind and help reach for what you were meant to do.

The book is categorized into two parts: Section one highlights features that will enable you to understand what you want as well as help you to mine it: the second section entails questions, tactics, and strategies that will help you implement the lessons in real life. It is among the few professional development books that offer a 3600 approach on how to chase your dreams and hit the mark.


5.     “Build Your Dream Network” by J. Kelly Hoey

Build Your Dream Network

This book was authored by J. Kelly Hoey, and it is all about forging powerful associations in the current globalized world.  It is a desirable guide that will help you build meaningful connections and transformative relations both on the internet and in the normal world. It is ranked among the top ten confidence building books in 2017.

Hoey’s work can help you improve your strategies to achieve career success. She advises that you require maneuvering seamlessly from one networking room to another, understanding that your most connected and useful communications may take place when you meet people face-to-face or just when you interact via social media platforms.


In Conclusion


Developing a personal career is not only an option for those willing to build their job but also a mandatory measure for those willing to secure a stable future. It is essential that you read best books on confidence, networking, and career choices in order to be informed and be able to make the best personal choices and plan better.